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$40.00Original List Price

38.99Best Price On The Web
*Including cost of shipping per bottle.




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Code: 92742

Cinderella Wine says: Product Details:
Please note, orders are processed on a first come basis. If you leave the wine in your cart for even a few minutes it might have already sold out as our stock quantity is removed when you submit the order in final, not when you add it to your cart!

You will get two emails from us with regards to your order. The first email from us only confirms that we received your order. The second email will confirm that we have enough wine to fill your order. Due to the high volume of sales there are times when the wine has sold out, but our system is still updating and shows it as available. We're sorry for any inconvenience and will do what we can to fill your order!

Thanks to your feedback we might bring back some of Cinderella Wine's popular previous offers. If a wine makes another appearance here, this newer offer will always be slightly higher than the original one. Offers that are on the site on Friday through Sunday will be shipped on Monday.

Best Price on Web is determined by Wine-Searcher prices as of yesterday: Wine Library sells this for our sale price of $34.99. We are the best and only price on the web. Please note, we are not taking virtual inventory into account.

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Rating: 92 Pts Antonio Galloni - VinousSize:750ML
Region: Apulia Country:Italy
Varietals: Primitivo ABV:15.5%

More Ratings:

92 Pts Antonio Galloni - Vinous

"Chiaramonte's 2008 Muro Sant'Angelo Primitivo Contrada Barbatto bursts from the glass with enticing scents of chocolate, licorice, plums, incense and sweet grilled herbs. There is plenty of varietal character in this fleshy, exuberant Primitivo. The 2008 impresses for its intense inner sweetness and perfume, not to mention its fabulous overall balance. Even with all of the richness, there is no excess heaviness at all. This seductive, expressive Primitivo should drink well for the better part of the decade. Anticipated maturity: 2013-2020."


"The Contrada Barbatto is named for the single vineyard from which the grapes come. It was so named because of its particular soils that were so hard to work if it should rain at all that the locals would say "varvatt o crip o schiatt", meaning that you would either drop dead or explode from toiling in that field because the wheels of carts would sink instantly. The wine is named after the subzone where the estate is located, which features the ancient walls surrounding the chapel of Sant’Angelo built around 1100. “Muro” means wall. An inky, ruby hue introduces an intense bouquet of bramble, blackberry and sweet plum followed by an explosion of ripe black fruits on the palate balanced by pronounced mine." Winemaker's Tasting Notes