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$79.98Original List Price

66.47Best Price On The Web
*Including cost of shipping per bottle.




per btl



Cinderella offer($49.99) has sold out,
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Code: 72287

Cinderella Wine says: Product Details:
*Please note this wine arrives Friday, October 25th.

Please note, orders are processed on a first come basis. If you leave the wine in your cart for even a few minutes it might have already sold out as our stock quantity is removed when you submit the order in final, not when you add it to your cart!

You will get two emails from us with regards to your order. The first email from us only confirms that we received your order. The second email will confirm that we have enough wine to fill your order. Due to the high volume of sales there are times when the wine has sold out, but our system is still updating and shows it as available. We're sorry for any inconvenience and will do what we can to fill your order!

Thanks to your feedback we might bring back some of Cinderella Wine's popular previous offers. If a wine makes another appearance here, this newer offer will always be slightly higher than the original one. Offers that are on the site on Friday through Sunday will be shipped on Monday.

Best Price on Web is determined by Wine-Searcher Pro prices as of yesterday: Wine Library sells this for our sale price of $59.97. There are 3 other stores that sell this wine from $67.99 to $84.99. You must be logged into the Pro Version of Wine Searcher to see all of the results. Please note, we are not taking virtual inventory into account.

Free shipping on orders of 2 bottles or more!
Please Note it may take 24-48 hours for your order to be put together for store pickup. You'll get an email when it's ready for pick up.
Rating: 94 Pts Roy Hersh - For the Love of PortSize:750ML
Region: Port Country:Portugal
Varietals: Port Varieties ABV:19.5%

More Ratings:

94 Pts Roy Hersh - For the Love of Port

"Orange-amber color with a golden edge. Citrus, walnuts, dried apricots and golden raisins stand out and this is tasty and graceful, with superb balance and a prominent finish. An overachiever and our group really enjoyed it! One of the best wines we tried all day and it is not like any other Port I've tasted recently." (10/07)

92 Pts Wine Enthusiast

"A supreme wine that tastes of intense maturity, touched with oxidation. It has gained in color as it ages, so now it is a deep green gold. To taste, it has much of the character of a tawny Port, with smoky old wood flavors. But the perfume, hinting at honey, is of a white Port. -RV" (12/08)


"It is an old white wine from the year 1973. Gold colour and very elegant aromas of honey, hazelnut, almonds and plums. In the mouth, it reveals a perfect marriage between alcohol and a acidity that provide it with a long and persistent finish in the mouth." - Winery

"An anomaly in a region where most producers source their grapes, Casa de Santa Eufemia, a grower port estate, was founded in 1894 by Bemardo Rodrigues de Carvalho. Located on the left bank of the Douro, in one of the oldest demarcated wine regions in the world, Santa Eufemia is now run by the sibling duo, Pedro and Lucia Carvalho. "

"Growing grapes and producing port since the estate's inception, it wasn't until 1986 when Portugal joined the EU, that Casa de Santa Eufemia could legally vinify, bottle and sell or export the wine that it had been making for years."

"Within the 30ha of field blends (of 20+ varietals) that are designated to the production of port wines, Pedro and Lucia cultivate varietals that are nearing extinction in Portugal, including Bastardo, Mourisco Tinto, Tinta Amarela, Tinta Barroca and Tinta Carvalha."

"In addition to the preservation of said grapes and more, the Carvalhos have also identified sub-plots within their vineyards, each known by the duo to produce specific colors, aromatics and structure, so that each sub-plot can be designated to a particular Tawny port. And though the foundations of the 20 and 30 year-old tawny ports were established long before Pedro and Lucia started making wine, Pedro says that they have "preserved the style that the house has been making all along."" - Importer