hi 2010 – Loring Gary’s Pinot Noir « Cinderella Wine - Ridiculously low prices for up to 24 hours only.

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$49.00Original List Price

45.64Best Price On The Web
*Including cost of shipping per bottle.




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Code: 79541

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Please note, orders are processed on a first come basis. If you leave the wine in your cart for even a few minutes it might have already sold out as our stock quantity is removed when you submit the order in final, not when you add it to your cart!

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Best Price on Web is determined by Wine-Searcher Pro prices as of yesterday: Wine Library sells this for our sale price of $39.98. There are 13 other stores that sell this wine from $39.98 to $49.99. You must be logged into the Pro Version of Wine Searcher to see all of the results. Please note, we are not taking virtual inventory into account.

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Rating: 95 Pts Pinot ReportSize:750ML
Region: California Country:United States
Varietals: Pinot Noir ABV:14%

More Ratings:

95 Pts Pinot Report

"Medium-deep ruby color; complex, layered black cherry aromas with smoky notes; deep, rich. black cherry flavors with smok notes; lush and silky texture; good structure and balance; long finish. Very deep and complex, while at the same time very forward and approachable. Delicious!; 300 cases produced." (02/12)

92 Pts Wine Spectator

"Starts with a burst of wild berry raciness, then tames down. Clean, pure, vibrant and vivacious, with the wild berry and raspberry fruit core tight and well-focused. Drink now through 2019. 300 cases made." (05/12)


Vintage Notes:
"While you've undoubtedly heard how cold it was in 2010, and how many areas had difficulty ripening fruit, Pinot Noir didn't suffer at all. At least not the areas where we source our fruit :) In fact, with the long, cool growing season, we got nearly an extra month of hang time on the vine than in "normal" years. That resulted in awesome fruit and even more awesome wines!"

"All the wines are in bottle now, and they're already showing better than the 2009s did at this point. And that's saying a lot - since the 2009s were the best wines we'd ever made prior to the 2010s. I know (and in my best Vincent Vega impersonation from Pulp Fiction) that's a bold statement. And I also realize it continues to stretch the limits of our credibility by saying each year is better than the last. But with this run from 2007 to 2010, that's simply the truth. Based on my palate, these are some tasty wines (with apologies to Jules, also from Pulp Fiction). Some of the credit goes to Mother Nature, but (and I say this with as much humility as I can muster) a fair bit of the credit also goes to us. We're simply getting better at what we do, mostly due to having a much deeper pool of knowledge and experience to draw upon."

"In general, our 2010s are very velvety in structure, with a density and purity of fruit beyond anything we've seen - while retaining a graceful feel to them. Hard to describe, but fascinating to taste. While somewhat similar to our 2009s, the 2010s will be a touch deeper and a bit more refined. If you liked the 2009, you'll love the 2010s!" - Winery

"My name is Brian Loring and my obsession is Pinot Noir. OK, I'm also pretty crazy about Champagne, but that's another story. While in college, I worked at a wine shop in Hollywood (Victor's), where one of the owners was a Burgundy fanatic. So, my very first experiences with Pinot Noir were from producers like Domaine Dujac, Henri Jayer, and DRC. Needless to say, I found subsequent tasting safaris into the domestic Pinot Noir jungle less than satisfying. It wasn't until I literally stumbled into Calera (I tripped over a case of their wine in the store room) that I found a California Pinot Noir that I could love. But it would be quite a while before I found someone else that lived up to the standard that Josh Jensen had established. I eventually came to understand and enjoy Pinots from Williams Selyem, Chalone, and Sanford, but I really got excited about California Pinot Noir when I met Norm Beko from Cottonwood Canyon at an Orange County Wine Society tasting."

"I'd made about 3 trips around the booths at the tasting without finding a single good Pinot Noir. So, being the open minded person that I am (remember I passed him up 3 times), I stopped at the Cottonwood booth. I was BLOWN away by Norm's 1990 Santa Maria Pinot Noir. After a few years of attending every Cottonwood event and asking Norm 10,000 questions about winemaking, he offered to let come learn the process during the '97 crush. I checked sugar levels, picked, crushed, punched down, pressed, filled barrels, and generally moved a bunch of stuff around with fork lifts and pallet jacks! It was the time of my life... I was totally hooked. And even though I hadn't planned it, I ended up making two barrels of Pinot Noir. That was the start of the Loring Wine Company. What had started out as a dream 15 years earlier was now a reality - I was a winemaker!" - Winery

How I Make Pinot Noir:
"My philosophy on making wine is that the fruit is EVERYTHING. What happens in the vineyard determines the quality of the wine - I can't make it better - I can only screw it up! That's why I'm extremely picky when choosing vineyards to buy grapes from. Not only am I looking for the right soil, micro-climate, and clones, I'm also looking for a grower with the same passion and dedication to producing great wine that I have. In other words, a total Pinot Freak! My part in the vineyard equation is to throw heaping piles of money at the vineyard owners (so that they can limit yields and still make a profit) and then stay out of the way! Since most, if not all of the growers keep some fruit to make their own wine, I tell them to farm my acre(s) the same way they do theirs - since they'll obviously be doing whatever is necessary to get the best possible fruit. One of the most important decisions made in the vineyard is when to pick. Some people go by the numbers (brix, pH, TA, etc) and some go by taste. Once again, I trust the decision to the vineyard people. The day they pick the fruit for their wine is the day I'm there with a truck to pick mine. Given this approach, the wine that I produce is as much a reflection of the vineyard owner as it is of my winemaking skills. I figure that I'm extending the concept of terroir a bit to include the vineyard owner/manager... but it seems to make sense to me. The added benefit is that I'll be producing a wide variety of Pinots. It'd be boring if everything I made tasted the same." - Winery

This wine was also rated 88 Points by the Wine Advocate.