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$12.99Original List Price

13.49Best Price On The Web
*Including cost of shipping per bottle.




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Cinderella offer( $8.88 ) has sold out, WL price is now being displayed!

Code: 104982

Cinderella Wine says: Product Details:
Please note, orders are processed on a first come basis. If you leave the wine in your cart for even a few minutes it might have already sold out as our stock quantity is removed when you submit the order in final, not when you add it to your cart!

You will get two emails from us with regards to your order. The first email from us only confirms that we received your order. The second email will confirm that we have enough wine to fill your order.

Due to the high volume of sales there are times when the wine has sold out, but our system is still updating and shows it as available. We're sorry for any inconvenience and will do what we can to fill your order!

Best Price on Web is determined by Wine-Searcher prices as of yesterday: Wine Library sells this for our sale price of $9.99. We are the best and only price on web. Please note, we are not taking virtual inventory into account.

Free shipping on orders of 6 bottles or more!
Please Note it may take 24-48 hours for your order to be put together for store pickup. You'll get an email when it's ready for pick up.
Rating: Rating Not AvailableSize:750ML
Region: Sicily Country:Italy
Varietals: Pinot Grigio ABV:12.5%


"Easy to serve and easy to drink: the Sicilian winery Tenute Oriestiadi is becoming even more accessible for winelovers with this line of 5 monovarietal wines. The wines are young, lively and flavorful, proudly showing the best characteristics of each grape: Inzolia, Nerello Mascalese, Nero d’Avola and Pinot Grigio. Inzolia, Pinot grigio and the Rosato (rose' made of 100% Nero d'avola) are perfect for aperitif and light summer meals, Nerello Mascalese and Nero d'Avola are food-friendly, fruity and with enough body to be drank also with meat.

The organic farming is blessed by the perfect Sicilian weather and by the sandy soils of western Sicily, rich in organic matter and iron. Essential for perfect grape growing is also the wind: it mitigates the hot summer temperatures, allowing the incredible variations in temperature, vital to the life cycle of the vines. The Molino a Vento line is dedicated to the wind: its name in fact means Wind Mill." -Importer