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$49.98Original List Price

41.98Best Price On The Web
*Including cost of shipping per bottle.




per btl



Cinderella offer( $31.01 ) has sold out, WL price is now being displayed!

Code: 50930

Cinderella Wine says: Product Details:
This is a special offer from 12-9PM Eastern!

Please note, orders are processed on a first come basis. If you leave the wine in your cart for even a few minutes it might have already sold out as our stock quantity is removed when you submit the order in final, not when you add it to your cart!

You will get two emails from us with regards to your order. The first email from us only confirms that we received your order. The second email will confirm that we have enough wine to fill your order. Due to the high volume of sales there are times when the wine has sold out, but our system is still updating and shows it as available. We're sorry for any inconvenience and will do what we can to fill your order!

Thanks to your feedback we might bring back some of Cinderella Wine's popular previous offers. If a wine makes another appearance here, this newer offer will always be slightly higher than the original one. Offers that are on the site on Friday through Sunday will be shipped on Monday.

Best Price on Web is determined by Wine-Searcher Pro prices as of yesterday: Wine Library sells this for our sale price of $37.98 and we're the best price on the web. There are 6 other stores that sell this from $37.99 to $49.49. You must be logged into the Pro version to see all of the results!

Free Shipping on orders of 3 bottles or more!

Please Note it may take 24-48 hours for your order to be put together for store pickup. You'll get an email when it's ready for pick up.
Rating: 93 Pts Wine SpectatorSize:750ML
Region: California Country:United States
Varietals: Not Available ABV:N/A

More Ratings:

93 Pts Wine Spectator

"Pure, ripe and spicy, with rich, vivid plum, raspberry and blackberry fruit that's focused, deep, layered and balanced, gaining velocity and depth on the finish. Drink now through 2015. 286 cases made." -93 points Wine Spectator

"This is quite a good Pinot Noir, and one to drink now for its silky deliciousness. It flatters the palate with ripe flavors of raspberries, cherries, cola, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and pepper. Hard to imagine anyone not liking it a lot." -91 points Wine Enthusiast

"I was born the son of a Texas Moonshine maker. My Father, Sue, was considered by many to be the finest Moonshine maker in all of Texas, because of the fine grains he used to make his corn whiskey. My Mother Elbessie, along with her brothers and sister, made wine from the various fruit we grew. Even though I grew up around distilled spirits and fruit wines, I did not develop a taste for either. It was not until I tasted my first Burgundy, long about 1955, that I fell in love with fine wine. In that year, I happened upon a taste of 1952 Burgundy, and vowed to myself then and there that I would someday aspire to make a wine as fine as that."

"Years later, after tasting Pinot Noir from the world over and following several trips to Burgundy France, my wife Lil and I purchased the best fruit available to us and my personal vision to become a winemaker was realized, with our first bottling of our 1997 Pinot named 'Vision Cellars.' My sincere wish is that you enjoy this wine while sharing it with others and you will appreciate my 'Vision'..." -Mac McDonald, winemaker at Vision Cellars

See this wine on Cellar Tracker here:


"Pure, ripe and spicy, with rich, vivid plum, raspberry and blackberry fruit that's focused, deep, layered and balanced, gaining velocity and depth on the finish. Drink now through 2015. 286 cases made." -93 points Wine Spectator

"This is quite a good Pinot Noir, and one to drink now for its silky deliciousness. It flatters the palate with ripe flavors of raspberries, cherries, cola, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg and pepper. Hard to imagine anyone not liking it a lot." -91 points Wine Enthusiast

"I was born the son of a Texas Moonshine maker. My Father, Sue, was considered by many to be the finest Moonshine maker in all of Texas, because of the fine grains he used to make his corn whiskey. My Mother Elbessie, along with her brothers and sister, made wine from the various fruit we grew. Even though I grew up around distilled spirits and fruit wines, I did not develop a taste for either. It was not until I tasted my first Burgundy, long about 1955, that I fell in love with fine wine. In that year, I happened upon a taste of 1952 Burgundy, and vowed to myself then and there that I would someday aspire to make a wine as fine as that."

"Years later, after tasting Pinot Noir from the world over and following several trips to Burgundy France, my wife Lil and I purchased the best fruit available to us and my personal vision to become a winemaker was realized, with our first bottling of our 1997 Pinot named 'Vision Cellars.' My sincere wish is that you enjoy this wine while sharing it with others and you will appreciate my 'Vision'..." -Mac McDonald, winemaker at Vision Cellars

See this wine on Cellar Tracker here: